Fanamboarana fanamboarana

  • Modely: Grip-r
  • Habe:
  • SS kalitao: Aisi304, Aisi316L, Aisi316Ti.
  • Teknika ara-teknika:

    Ny antsipirian'ny vokatra

    Ny fanerena miasa hatramin'ny 40bar.

    The advantage of GRIP-R repair clamps is that is can befitted to existing pipes in situation, without any need to remove and replacing pipes, GRIP-R pipe repair clamp can repair the pipes that are ageing and corrosive and pipe wall has holes or cracks . When installing it, it only needs pipe clamp to wrap the leakage part and tighten the bolt. Then the installation is finished ideally and reliably.

    Ny halavam-panavotana ivelan'ny fanamboarana fantsona fanamboarana fantsona dia avy amin'ny 38 ka hatramin'ny 168.3mm.

    Tarehimarika teknika-r teknika

    Sodina ivelan'ny savaivony Range Clamping Ny tsindry miasa Product od sakany
    Od Min-max  Sary 1 Sary 2 Φ D B C
    (Mm) (Ao.) (Mm) (bar) (bar) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) M
    1.059 26-28 25 40 38 57 30 5-8 10 8
    30 25 40 42 57 30 5-8 10 8
    33.7 32-35 25 40 45 57 30 5-8 10 8
    38 1.496 25 40 61 26 5-8 10 10 M8 × 1
    42.4 1.669 25 40 54.7 61 26 5-8 10 10
    44.5 25 40 56.8 61 26 5-8 10 10
    48.3 1.902 25 40 64.2 61 26 5-8 10 10
    54 2.126 20 35 70 76 37 5 ~ 10 15 10
    57 2.244 55-59 20 35 73 76 37 5 ~ 10 15 10
    60.3 20 35 76.2 76 37 5 ~ 10 15 10
    66.6 20 40 85.5 95 37 5 ~ 10 25 20
    70 20 40 89 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    73 2.874 71-75 20 40 92 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    76.1 20 40 95.2 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    79.5 20 40 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    84 3.307 20 40 103 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    88.9 87-91 20 40 108 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    100.6 3.961 99-103 18 35 120 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    101.6 18 35 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    104 18 35 123 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    18 35 124 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    108 106-110 18 35 127 95 41 5 ~ 10 25 20
    114.3 18 35 95 54 5 ~ 10 35 20
    127 18 40 148 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    129 5.079 127-131 18 40 150 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    130.2 5.126 18 40 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    133 5.236 131-135 18 40 154 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    139.7 18 40 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    141.3 18 35 162.4 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    154 6.063 18 35 173.4 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    159 6.260 18 35 180 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25
    168.3 18 35 186 110 54 5 ~ 10 35 25

    Safidy ara-nofo-r

    Componentents ara-nofo V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 V6
    Peratra firavaka            

    Fitaovana entona gazy

    haino aman-jery Sehatra Suhu
    Ranon-javatra avo, oksizenina, ozone, rano ary ny sisa


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